
Central Convention 2012


كونوا مع الصادقين

Be With The Truthful

Aly A. Misha’l MD, FACP

Chairman- IRB, Islamic Hospital, Amman-Jordan

Ex-President of Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA)


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على رسوله الأمين الذي أرسله رحمة للعالمين.

 رب اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري وأحلل عقدة من لساني يفقهوا قولي، وبعد

The word صدق and all words derived thereof was quoted in 155 verses in the Glorious Qura’n, including the words:

صدق، صادق، صادقون، صادقات، صِدّيق، صٍدّيقة، صديقون، صديقات، مصدق، تصدق

The word in Arabic and its derived words, evolves around the expression of Truth, Truthfulness, Steadfastedness, perseverance on being true in words, deeds and intentions.

الصدق, Being truthful, in its comprehensive meaning:

Is an Integral standard part of true Faith (إيمان). In all actions, endeavors, plans and intentions, the faithful’s (المؤمن) life and conduct are based on the principle of (صدق): Being truthful.

The Qura’nic verse (اتقوا الله وكونوا مع الصادقين )

You who believe!

Fear Allah

And be (committed) with those who are true (in word and deed).

Be truthful, commit yourselves with truthfulness.

Be among the truthful people:

A complete, holistic commitment of the believers to Truthfulness (الصدق), in all walks of life: All Deeds, behavior, endeavors and intentions.

This verse is number 119 of Surat Al-Tauba (سورة التوبة)

This whole Surah was revealed to the Prophet (SAW), and acquired special significance, in grim circumstances of the Muslim Society, in Medina, under the leadership of prophet Mohummad (SAW) on the 9th year of Hijrah, when he was gearing the difficult preparations to lead the Muslims in the campaign (غزوة) of Tabuk, 600 kilometers north of Medinah. Tabuk at that time was dominated by the Roman Empire (الروم), through their local small Arab subordinates.

Reading carefully and objectively through the verses of this surah,

And: Reading through authenticated (روايات) narrations regarding the causes and circumstances of revelation of this Surah,

And: Studying the Prophetic Sirah in that particular stage, we realize that: This Surah has a special character (شخصية):

  • The Surah contained distinct verdicts (أحكاماً), in deciding the functional relationship between the Muslim Ummah, and the other nations and groups on this Earth.
  • Furthermore, this Surah classified the Muslim Society itself: With pinpointing of its values and its segments or classes, with the status of every segment or class within the Muslim Society.

All these descriptions and characterizations were portrayed with great precision and significance.

  • The Surah also clarified and characterized the nature of the Islamic dynamic approach (المنهج الحركي).

vWith its various stages and steps.

vWith its flexibility, and distinctive effectiveness at the same time!.

vWith the whole characteristics of the Muslim Society at the time of the 9th year of Hijrah.

 All this, in distinct difference with the earlier Muslim Society, at the time of early Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, with the brotherhood between Muhajireen and Ansar, that culminated in the cohesive, solid, unified society that achived the great victories of Badr and Uhod… The society that followed after the Fath: (the conquest of Makkah)…Now the society has become an inhomogeneous mixture of groups, classess, segments, with variable levels of commitment in Iman … A great mixture and Mosaic and ratification that is portrayed in this Surah, as we learn from its various Ayat (verses):

“والسابقون الأولون من المهاجرين والأنصار والذين اتبعوهم بإحسان رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه….”

The vanguard (of Islam, the first of those who forsook “their homes”, and of those who gave them aid…) 9:100

” الأعراب أشد كفراً ونفاقاً”

The Aarab (Arabs of the desert) are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy. 9:97

” وممن حولكم من الأعراب مناقون ومن أهل المدينة مردوا على النفاق لا تعلمهم نحن نعلمهم ….”

Certain of the desert Arabs Round about you or hypocrites, as well as among the Medina folk: they are obstinate in hypocrisy… 9:101

“…. وأخرون اعترفوا بذنوبهم خلطوا عملاً صالحاً وآخر سيئاً …”

Others have acknowledged their wrong-doings: They have mixted an act of that was good with another that was evil….9:102

” وآخرون مرجَون لأمر الله إما يعذبهم وإما يتوب عليهم ….”

There are (yet) others, Held in suspense for the command of Allah, whether He will Punish them or turn in mercy. 9:106

“… والذين اتخذوا مسجداً ضراراً وكفراً وتفريقاً بين المؤمنين ….”

And there are those who put up a Masjid by the way of mischief and infidelity, to disunite the believers… 9:107

The main segment of the Surah, is, in fact, that which elaborates on the status of the hypocrites in Madinah, their standings, intentions and styles of behaviors prior, during and after the campaign of Tabuk.

Their behavior ranged from deliberate lack of support in joining the Prophet (SAW) and his companions who left Madinah in a northward drive towards Tabuk, amidst harsh deficiencies in manpower and material provision, and in fierse hot weather. 

This campaign of Tabuk has special significance in Sirah and history of the Islamic State:

  • It was against the Roman Empire, the most powerful and dominant power on Earth at that time. With their Christian Arab subordinates and tribes in the Northern regions of the Arabian Peninsula, the Romans were actively planning to invade the new emerging Muslim State in Madina.
  • This was one of the most stringent years in Madina and surroundings:

vExtreme heat and drought.

vLack of supplies.

vLack of camels and horses … 18 fighters had to alternate on one camel.

vLong distance and rough, dry terrain with lack of water all the way to Tabuk.

  • That is why it was called (جيش العسرة) the army of severe hardship.
  • This is the campaign where Abu Bakr ( R ) donated all what he had, and Omar (R) donate half of what he owned.
  • The hypocrits of Madina and surroundings were hoping and waiting for this Roman invasion. Moreover, they established links with the Romans and their subordinate Arab tribes.

At that time, the hypocrites (المنافقون) established Masjid Al-Dhirar.

  • They were busy in spreading and propagation of rumors, weakness, suspicious, ( (فتنة, encouraging renegation, and splitting the lines in the Muslim community and Muslim command.
  • The Prophet (SAW) decided not to wait to be invaded by the Romans, and to move northward in a daring initiative, which was extremely successful: The Romans and their Arab subordinates disbursed their forces and withdrew from confrontation. The aims of the campaign were fulfilled without a fight! (وكفى الله المؤمنين القتال)

Most Arab tribes and small states abandoned Roman dominance, came to the Prophet (SAW) and became subordinates to the Islamic State!.

At the same time, verses of the Surah provide guidance to the solid, and pure Muslim community, around the Prophet (SAW) and his companions … to distinguish the solid pure core, with deep-seated faith in their hearts, solidarity, perseverance and steadfastedness in their resolve to follow the Prophet (SAW) and support his leadership in this campaign, which was unique in its many difficulties and handicaps:

First: Its timing: In the most hot and harsh months of the year.

Then comes the shortages of supplies of all sorts.

Then comes the human factor: A campaign that requires thousands of committed fighters … was confronted with only a small number of dedicated, committed Muslims around the Prophet (SWT), with widespread splits, renegation and deserting at dire times of need.

This campaign in a viable illustration of the importance of proper building of the core group…. On dedication, sacrifice, piety (Taqwa) and perseverance in the way to please Allah (SWT) and seek His acceptance in this life and the Hereafter….

This true approach in education of the Muslim society, surrounded by the blessing, guidance and support of Allah (SWT), is the real guarantee of all success and achievements. Here comes the devine guidance in the verses of the Surah.

” إن الله اشترى من المؤمنين أنفسهم وأموالهم بأن لهم الجنة …”

Allah hath purchased of the believers, their persons and their goods: For theirs (in return) is the garden (of paradise)…9:111

The next verse described them further:

“التائبون العابدون الحامدون السائحون الراكعون الساجدون  الأمرون بالمعروف والناهون عن المنكر والحافظون لحدود الله، وبشر المؤمنين”

Those who turn to Allah in repentance, those who serve Him, praise Him…..9:112

” ما كان للنبي والذين آمنوا أن يستغفروا للمشركين ..”

It is not fitting for the Prophet and those who believe, that they should pray for forgiveness for pagans, even though they be of kin….9:113

“لقد تاب الله على النبي والمهاجرين والأنصار الذين اتبعوه في ساعة العسرة…”Allah turned with favour to the Prophet, the Muhajirs and the Ansar, who followed him in a time of distress. 9:117

” ما كان لأهل المدينة ومن حولهم من الأعراب أن يتخلفوا عن رسول الله ولا يرغبوا بأنفسهم عن نفسه….”

It was not fitting for the people of Madina and the Bedouin Arabs of the neighborhood, to refuse to follow Allah’s Apostle, nor to prefer their own lives to his. 9:120

” يا أيها الذين آمنوا قاتلوا الذين يلونكم من الكفار”

You who believe! Fight the unbelievers who gird you about.9:123

Then comes the distinctive and conclusive verse:

” يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وكونوا مع الصادقين”

You who believe ! Fear Allah and be with those who are true (in word and deed) 9:119

A devine call upon the pure, solid core of the Muslim society, with a devine promise:

” ذلك بأنهم لا يصيبهم ظمأ ولا نصب ولا مخمصة في سبيل الله، ولا يطأون موطناً يغيظ الكفار، ولا ينالون من عدو نيلاً إلا كتب لهم به عمل صالح، إن الله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين، ولا ينفقون نفقة صغيرة ولا كبيرة ولا يقطعون وادياً إلا كتب لهم ليجزيهم الله أحسن ما كانوا يعملون”

… Because nothing could they suffer or do, but was reckoned to their credit, as a deed of righteousness, -Whether they suffered thirst, or fatigue, or hunger, in the cause of Allah, or trud paths, to raise the ire of the unbelievers, or received any injury, whatever from an enemy: For Allah sufferath not the reword to be lost of those who do good. Nor could they spend anything (for the cause)-small or great- nor cut across a valey, but the deed is inscribed to their credit, that Allah may requite their deed with the last (reward) . 9:120

At the conclusion of the Surah guidance:

Comes the characteristics of features of the Prophet (SAW) and devine guidance to him to depend only on Allah (SWT) and to seek His support (التوكل) in all endeavors.

” لقد جاءكم رسول من أنفسكم عزيز عليه ما عنتم حريص عليكم بالمؤمنين رؤوف رحيم”

Now hath come unto you an Apostle from amongst yourselves: It grieves him that you should perish: ardently anxious is over you: to the believers is he most kind and merciful. 9:128

Are not our current Muslim societies suffering from this same situation of rarefaction. Take or select any current example of most Muslim countries: same map of classes and levels of commitments.

Isn’t it the same devine guidance to the pure, solid core or base of the Muslim society in all times and at all locations?


In our contemporary professional life and conduct as medical practitioners… How this devine guidance: to Be with the truthful core   (كونوا مع الصادقين) apply to us?

This is a unique profession that deals with the welfare, suffering, agony and death of the most honored and glorified creature on Earth….. The human being:

” ولقد كرمنا بني آدم…”

“ …And we honored the progeny of Adam….”17:70

As Imam Shafei described this profession: The most noble and dignified science, only second to the science of religion or Fiqh.

Since the early years of Islamic history and civilization, scholars in Jurisprudence (Fiqh) have layed down the values and principle of proper medical professional conduct towards patients, society, professional colleagues, and advancement in knowledge.

Over the years, foundations of proper medical conduct have been addressed in various Muslim societies and at various times.

Recently, this medical Jurisprudence heritage has been condensed and organized in a comprehensive reference named: The International Islamic Code for Medical and Health Ethics, published by the Islamic Organization for Islamic Medical Studies (IOMS) in 2005, following over 25 years of deliberations and consultations between Shariah scholars and professionals in medical sciences.

From all these Jurisprudence (Fiqh) literature and heritage, we conclude many Islamic ethical obligations for all of us to be classified within the category وكونوا مع الصادقين.

The first principle is:

Respect for the human being, who, by inflictions of disease, pain and suffering,  is rendered to a patient that needs our care.

Truthfulness imposes on us, as medical providers, to respect his/her independence and freedom of choice to take decisions related to his/her healthcare. This concept renders the patient as a partner in decision- making, rather than a mere recipient of medical care.

Islamic Jurisprudence rules confirmed these principles, by confirming: 

“The right of human being cannot be disposed of, or relinquished without his permission”


“Man’s right cannot be nullified without his consent”

Moreover, truthfulness of medical behavior stipulate, how to deal with respect for freedom of choice, when the patient is a minor or incompetent.

The second principle:

Truthfulness of medical conduct imposes the drive to:

Achieve benefit:

Moral commitment to maximize benefit.

To avoid, prevent or neutralize deliberate harm to our patients or to minimize harm, if it is unavoidable.

Harm could be physical, psychological, social, financial or other forms of harm.

Shariah rules that if two benefits cannot be obtained together, the priority should be for the greater one.

By the same token, if two evils cannot be warded off at the same time, warding off the greater should take precedent over the lesser.

The third principle: 

Is to administer Justice: A moral commitment to treat every patient in accordance with what is morally correct and proper, without distinction related, to creed, color, nationality, social class or political orientation.

The most comprehensive verse in the Qura’n that exhorts us to be committed to righteousness, stipulates:

” إن الله يأمر بالعدل والإحسان ….”

Lo! Allah enjoineth justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbiddeth lewdness and abomination and wickedness. He exhorteth you in order that ye may take heed.16:90

Do all kinds of good and abstain from all kinds of evil.

When we consider truthfulness in our day-to-day clinical conduct to our patients, to fullfil our commitments to the Ayah                      وكونوا من الصادقين.

We have to be careful to be:

  • Truthful in our sincerity in performing and undertaking all steps of medical care.
  • Trustfulness in performing diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, unless they are appropriate and pertinent.
  • Truthfulness in honest explanation to the patient (or designee): the nature, causes, complications and prognosis of his illness, the usefulness of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, together with the various options and alternatives, with their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Truthfulness in referring the patient, in due time, to another medical practitioner, who has more experience, or specialization or more effective equipment.
  • Truthfulness in provision of care to patients with incurable, terminal or fatal illness… consoling, alleviation of pain and anxiety.
  • To tell, not tell, and how to tell, in end of life issues.
  • Truthfulness in writing clinical notes, consultations and documentations in the patient’s medical records.
  • Truthfulness in writing medical reports, testimony in medical, administrative or legal settings.
  • Truthfulness in enlightening and educating patients, their families and the society at large regarding illness, preventive measures and health issues in general.
  • Truthfulness in gentle, wise and honest explanation to the patient about the consequences of declining therapeutic interventions, without under exaggeration.
  • Truthfulness in extending health care to individuals with limited freedom:

vJustice in provision of care.

vAvoidance of collaboration or complicity, actively or  indirectly, in any action that amounts to torture, or other forms of cruel or inhuman treatment.

This includes the truthfulness in not keeping silent, when these actions are committed.

The medical professional should never use his professional knowledge or skills, to help in the interrogation of people with restricted freedom. 


  • Truthfulness in medical confidentiality issues. A major value in physician-patient-society relationships.

Proper care and attention to confidentiality issues in this day and age where secrets of patients are stored in computers and data bases.

  • Truthfulness in designing, conducting and reporting medical research.

Abidance by ethical standards to safeguard against bias, falsification, or succumbing to the escalating influences of drug and medical equipment manufacturing companies.

  • Truthfulness in all dealings with drug and medical equipment firms in prescribing or purchasing of medications, consumables or equipments. With atmost care and steadfastedness in pursuing patient-society benefits rather than achieving profit.
  • Truthfulness in advertising and dealing with the media:

vMisleading in advertising degrees, fields of specialization, experiences, achievements…

vMisleading information about successes of certain interventions, drugs or equipments, giving a false image, or hiding a side effect.

vIndecent advertisement that jeopardizes the dignity of the profession, or discredit professional colleagues or institutions.

 Concluding Remarks:

This general review of medical professional conduct and moral truthfulness in abiding to values and principles, which practically render the medical professional as a real guardian and defender of his patient’s and society’s health, dignity and welfare, from aspects of disease, fear, anxiety and suffering, whether physical, emotional, psychosocial or financial.

To fulfill the concept of (Hakim): the wise, knowledgeable, and curing medical practitioner.

And, prior to all that: The Muslim medical professional should  have the intention (Niyyah) that he/she is performing Ibadah (worship) by providing medical care, which is looked upon as (Fard Kifayah) by many Muslim scholars. i.e. a religious duty that, the whole society, or Ummah, will be held guilty and sinful, if this patient care is not undertaken by medical professionals.

Medical practice is closely associated with the five purposes of Islamic Law (Maqassid al-Shariah): Preservation of Religion, Life, Mind, Progeny and Wealth.

Intention (Niyyah) is a hallmark of this Ibadah concept.

At this time and age, the real truthfulness in medical conduct amidst all contemporary deviations and temptations, may not be different from the truthfulness of the solid core of Muhajereen and Ansar who persevered on the right path with the Prophet (SAW) in the simmering hot days of Tabuk campaign, with fierce shortages of men and material, and betrayals of the Munafqeen (hypocrites), as truly portrayed in the Surah of Taubah.  

” ربنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا، ربنا ولا تحمل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا، ربنا ولا تحمّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به، واعف عنا واغفر لنا وارحمنا، أنت مولانا فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين”

” رب ادخلني مدخل صدق وأخرجني مخرج صدق واجعل لي من لدنك سلطاناً نصيراً”

” ربنا أتمم لنا نورنا واغفر لنا إنك على كل شيء قدير”  

22nd Biennial PIMA Convention Started with Public Awareness Session

Karachi {2nd March 2012}: Renowned experts of the country urged common people to adopt healthy lifestyle, refrain from smoking, alcohol, exercise daily and use balanced died to prevent themselves from heart ailments, strokes, diabetes, hypertension and mental illnesses.

The health experts, each of whom is considered master of his respective field of specialization in the medical profession, said remaining healthy was not as much difficult as it is considered by most of the people but in order to remain healthy, people should improve their awareness about health issues.

They tobacco usage in Pakistani society, lack of habit of regular exercise, poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle as leading causes of deaths or root-causes of illnesses that result in most of the deaths in Pakistani that could easily be prevented by changing habits.

These experts were speaking at a “Public Awareness Session” on the inaugural session of 22nd Biennial International Convention of Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) that kicked off here Friday at Expo Center Karachi.

Over 5000 doctors from all over the country as well as over 174 medical professionals, researchers and experts from around the globe are attending the three-day convention where not only doctors but ordinary people have been invited for their awareness.

The most interesting presentation was of the Prof. Javed A Khan, renowned chest specialist of the country, who said by imposing a complete ban or making cigarettes unaffordable for common people in Pakistan could prevent 40 percent cancer cases and a 25 percent decrease in heart ailments instantly.

“Cigarettes kill more people in Pakistan as compared to all suicide bombings, traffic accidents and crime related killings in a given year” Prof. Khan claimed, adding that around one hundred thousand people die every year in Pakistan due to smoking-related complications.

He deplored that cigarettes were the cheapest commodity in Pakistan as compared to rest of the world as even in Afghanistan, cigarettes cost more than Pakistan, and demanded government to levy heavy taxes on cigarettes to make it unaffordable for Pakistanis.

“All those who smoke are worst than animals as even animals try to prevent themselves from smoke as they know the hazards of smoking” he remarked and criticized the media for not highlighting the deaths due to smoking.

“Pir Pagara, John Aliya are some of the people who died due to smoking but media don’t describe cigarettes as their cause of dath while Mehdi Hassan is in critical condition due to continuous smoking” he claimed.

Similarly, eating tobacco is the worst habit found in majority of Pakistanis and by banning products containing tobacco, betel nuts, oral cancer can be prevented upto 90 percent, he added.

On the occasion, he said PIMA should demand or endorse the demand for a complete ban on smoking that was supported all participants of the international convention.

Another renowned health expert, Cardiologist Prof. Ejaz Vohra said prevention from cardiac ailments does not require knowing rocket science as very simple and easy steps could prevent thousands of people from getting cardiac or heart patients.

“Avoiding smoking, alcohol, doing regular exercise, eating healthy, balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding use of salt and fat containing food is the key to remain healthy and avoiding heart diseases” he informed.

Prof. Ghaffar A Billo, known pediatrician and child specialist said of all the children who die every year around the globe due to preventable diseases, half are died in Pakistan, mainly due to Diarrhea and Pneumonia, both easy preventable diseases among children.

“Giving mother’s feed to a child at least for initial six months prevent the child both from Diarrhea and Pneumonia as Mother’s feed is the first and most effective vaccine for a child” he informed.

At the same time, Pakistan is the only country where 50 percent children are facing malnutrition or lack of adequate food, he informed adding that this figure was upto 60 percent in Sindh province.

Similarly, 20 percent of the children are obese or over weight, another dangerous health condition for children, he informed.

He urged mothers not to give bottle feed to children as of one million children die every year due to bottle feed in the world, half are died only in Pakistan due to this unhealthy practice.

Renowned Dialectician Prof. S.M Rab informed that around 12 percent of Pakistani population is suffering from diabetes but unfortunately, majority of them don’t know about their being diabetic and when they go for the treatment of some other disease, they learn about it.

“Diabetes is the mother of all illnesses as it leads to heart attacks, stroke, coma, amputation of limbs, renal failure and many other serious health conditions” he informed and advised people to adopt healthy lifestyle and balanced diet in addition to hard work and exercise to prevent themselves from becoming diabetics.

Renowned Neurologist Prof. Iqbal Afridi informed that majority of people in Pakistan who are facing mental disorders are not aware of their disease due to lack of awareness and called for creating awareness about mental health conditions among common people as well as medical professionals.

He said a psychiatric patient not only suffers himself due to his mental condition but his family, relatives and friends also face agony due to his or her illness.

Another expert, Gastroenterologist Prof. Huma Qureshi spoke about the Hepatitis saying every 9th or 10th Pakistani is suffering from this preventable disease but majority does not know about its causes and how to prevent themselves from it.

She urged people to drink clean, boiled water, use sterilized syringes and equipment for their treatment and vaccinate themselves against Hepatitis to remain healthy.

The Convention would continue on Saturday and Sunday where several scientific sessions would be held separately at Expo Center Karachi.

Several known laboratories and pharmaceutical industries had also set up their stalls at the convention center where people were being provided the facility of free tests of blood, diabetes, cholesterol, bone density.

Pakistan has become Export Processing Zone of Health Professionals

Karachi {3rd March 2012}: Pakistan has become an “Export Processing Zone” of qualified health professionals and trained paramedical staff who are leaving the country for greener pastures and secured places in the world due to lack of security, poor remuneration, limited resources of professional development and an overall discouragement of health profession in Pakistan.

Devolution of health to the provinces was the “biggest mistake” by the government as it further deteriorated health facilities to common people in Pakistan while in provinces, health departments were being managed by non-professionals who were denying primary healthcare facilities to common people, which is a basic, fundamental right of every person in Pakistan.

“Health has never been the priority of both autocratic and democratic governments in Pakistan while provision of health is not even on the agendas and manifestoes of political also. In this situation, Chief Justice of Pakistan should take suo moto notice for the protection of health professionals and provision of health facilities to masses”.

These views were expressed by leading health professionals and experts while expressing their views on the topic of “Health Politics and Doctors Issues” on Saturday at the second day of 22nd Biennial International Convention being held here at Expo Center Karachi.

Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) President Prof. Tipu Sultan bitterly criticized the authorities and the devolution of the health ministry to provinces, saying this further complicated the process of healthcare provision to people.

Prof. Tipu Sultan cited corruption, lack of political will and poor state of security as biggest obstacles in provision ofhealth services in Pakistan and added that due to fears of life and earning better remuneration, doctors are running away from the country, further aggravating the miseries of common people.

He called for establishment of major, tertiary-care hospitals at town levels in Karachi comprising 500-bed each so that people could avail quality health facilities nearer to their abodes and called for enhancing the health budget of the country above 6 percent of the GDP.

Renowned Pediatrician Prof. Ghaffar A Billo strongly criticized the present government, rulers and politicians belonging to all political parties of the country saying health was not a priority of any of the

ruler or even politician in Pakistan.

“Every day 1500 children die due to diseases that are preventable but neither the government nor the media give least attention to this important issue. Doctors are running away, despite being most intelligent people of the society, they get paid less than ordinary people, and the ultimate sufferer due to this situation is common man” he observed.

Prof. Billo urged the associations of health professionals including PIMA and PMA to continue dialogue on these basic issues and form a task force to pursue basic issues facing doctors like protection and remuneration and common man that include provision of primary healthcare facilities without any hassle.

He also criticized the mushroom growth of medical colleges in the country and claimed that these colleges had become money making ventures for their owners and resultantly, graduates try to mint as much money as possible to cover the money they spent on their medical education.

“Little spending on water, sanitation and immunization can save millions of lives in Pakistan while provision of skilled birth attendants can drastically reduce mothers’ mortality but unfortunately, these areas have never been given any attention by the people concerned” he observed.

The known pediatrician urged the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to take suo moto notice on the issue of protection of doctors and demanded that state should be made responsible to provide security to health professionals.

Pro-Vice Chancellor of Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) Prof. Umer Farooq declared that entire health and education infrastructure had become rotten due to corruption, lust and greed of the officials and authorities where standard of the education has declined to miserable extent.

He said the working atmosphere for doctors in Pakistan was not conducive and due to that ultimate sufferer were the common people, who lack financial resources to buy quality health facilities at private hospitals, which are flourishing in the country.

Prof. Umer Farooq called for preparation of comprehensive health policy and its implementation in letter and spirit, provision of incentives to doctors in the country, periodic transfers of the doctors to rural areas with double incentives and an increase in health budget to meet the growing health needs of common people.

Leading Neurologist Prof. Abdur Rasheed Jumma in his address lamented that there was no health policy in place in the country at the moment as the health was devolved to provinces, which complicated the issue and created problems for both doctors and common people.

He spokes about challenges to health sector and called for their better remuneration, training and incentives to improve state of health facilities in the country.

Prof. Hafiz Ijaz Ahmed deplored that majority of tertiary care hospitals were providing primary care services including pain management, minor traumas, which should be given at basic health care units scattered all over the society.

He urged the doctors to become catalyst for change in the society and called upon them to present solutions for the problems facing both doctors as well as common people of the society.

On the occasion, a resolution calling for providing security to doctors in the country, consider and provide health as basic right to people, human resource development of health professionals in

Pakistan, increasing health budget upto 6 percent of the GDP, and taking health associations like PIMA and PMA on board on decisions regarding health policies.

Earlier at the inaugural session of the 2nd day of the convention, former Science and Technology Minister Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman said entire focus of research in health sector was on diseases of rich segments of the society while little attention is being paid to diseases of people living in developing and poor areas of the world.

He urged doctors to focus on diseases and problems of common people while called upon the authorities to provide better research facilities and scholarships to students and provision of better

incentives to doctors to retain them in Pakistan.

Islamic scholar and medical expert from Jordan Dr. Aly Mishal urged the doctors to work with honesty, dedication and professionally to satisfy their patients and added that doctors are like religious preachers whose sins and ignorance would not be forgiven by the Almighty.

Six scientific sessions including on Women’s Mental Health, Immunization update, Chest Diseases, Bone and Joint Diseases, Detistry, and Islamic Financing were also held simultaneously at the convention where experts and professionals from all over the country presented their papers and threw light on developments in their respective fields of expertise.

The convention would continue on Sunday where experts would be presenting their papers in important topics like hematology, Thalassemia, gynecological problems, trauma management, diarrhea in children, hypertension and role of organizations in healthcare would be held.

Pakistani Doctors, Engineers should act for Revolution

Karachi {4th March 2012}: Qazi Hussain Ahmed, the former Senator has deplored that Pakistani literate segments of the society, especially doctors and engineers have alienated themselves from the problems of common people, saying they should interact and lead common men like Arab doctors and engineers who played a vital role in Arab spring.

“Pakistani doctors, engineers and intelligentsia is aloof of the problems and issues of common people, otherwise they can play an important role for a positive change in the society. They should realize their potential from Christian missionaries who transformed entire societies through their selfless service to society and most recently the role played by Arab literate youth for revolutions in their countries” he said.

He was speaking at the concluding plenary session titled “Future of Pakistan” on the third day of Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA)’s 22nd Biennial International Convention on Sunday at Expo Center Karachi.

Other panelists including columnist Orya Maqbool Jan, former DG ISI Lt. Gen (rtd) Hameed Gul, Economist Asad Umer and others also spoke on the occasion.

The last session of the 22nd Biennial International Convention of PIMA also witnessed the selection of a new central president of the association where Dr. Misbahul Aziz was elected as the central President of PIMA for next two years.

A resolution expressing grave concern over alarming situation in Balochistan province was also adopted unanimously on the occasion, demanding provincial autonomy to people of Balochistan as provided by the 18th amendment and NFC Award, provision of gas royalty to the province, registration of Bugti murder case against Musharraf and his associates, provision of basic health facilities to people in entire Balochistan, end of all types of military operations and resolving all the issues through dialogue in the marginalized province.

Qazi Hussain Ahmed also expressed concern over situation in Balochistan and said United States wanted to separate and turn Balochistan into a dependent state like small gulf states but people and Sardars of the province should be aware of the designs of America.

Bitterly criticizing the ruling elite and establishment in the country, he said British-trained establishment and rulers never cared about people of Pakistan as they were never capable for running an Islamic state.

“Pakistan was created by the Muslims to live on the principles of Islam although many of the Subcontinent’s Muslims knew that creation of Pakistan would not change their economic condition as they would remain living in Indian part of subcontinent” he observed.

On the occasion, he urged the youth to prepare themselves for the change, equip themselves with knowledge and skills and strive for a welfare Islamic state as their brethren did and still doing in other Islamic countries.

Renowned Columnist Orya Maqbool Jan was of the opinion that Pakistan was at the verge of a revolution due to indifference of people towards present politics, power games, issues and tall and hollow claims being made by the ruling elite in the country.

“A country becomes ripe for a revolution when its tax collection decreases to mere 8 percent of the GDP and in Pakistan, the tax collection has declined to 8.2 percent of the GDP” he observed.

He said although Muslims around the world were divided into small states and linguistic, ethnic basis but their rivals, the West only considers them as a single nation and trying to deal them as a single but divided enemy.

“It is evident from the refusal to accept Turkey as a member state of European Union because despite their colour, history and geography, Turks had the only drawback of being Muslims that prevented their inclusion into the EU” he claimed.

Similarly, only two new countries were established in the recent history included South Sudan and East Temur were created only the basis of religion, which shows that only Muslims are the target of the Western world, he added.

He urged the Islamic-minded youth to present themselves as symbol of change in the local society and prepare for providing a justifiable system of governance to the world.

Former Director General ISI and defence analyst deplored that army ruled for over 38 years in Pakistan although it hardly fought for 38 days for the country but said this was due to in-capabilities of the politicians, weak democratic institutions and threats looming over the security of the state from India.

General Hameed Gul blamed politicians for most of the miseries of the people and the country saying their weaknesses provided the opportunities to army to intervene while their politicians’ wrongdoings compelled people to welcome military rulers.

Speaking on the future of Pakistan, he said Pakistan’s future was bright as United States had been defeated by the Afghans while India could not take on Pakistan due to threats to its economic growth.

Renowned economist Asad Umer was of the view that Pakistan had all the resources in the world to become an economic super power while it had the trained manpower and youth to bring peaceful change and prosperity in the country.

He urged the youth of the utilize their potential for the economic and social change in the country saying only educated youth could steer the country of ongoing political and economic crisis.

Coverage in PULSE, Karachi


Public Awareness Session

Prof. Aly Mishal’s Thematic Lecture

Non-Communicable Diseases Session

Plenary Session on Health Policies and Doctors issue

Session on Future of Pakistan

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